亚马逊web-1080P,:?xt=urn:btih:8353d6ddc3e5b42f9249b55aa673a6c0508e6330 总的来说,这个一个关于自我救赎的故事。电影中大叔这个角色,长期的孤独寂寞,压抑到崩溃边缘的样子,是现实中多少人的影子。他所做的一切,都只是为了摆脱孤独。然而,当灵魂被掏空,再怎么放浪形骸,都只不过是行尸走肉的最后狂欢。到最后才明白,成年人的世界不允许有天真二字,只有残酷。 “What he sings about are not only American values, but the best of human values. “Our little protagonist might be blinded by the light of Springsteen and dream to not see his family and upbringing. But the world as of the moment I saw this movie, is also blinded by one’s culture, that we forgot that we are all the same.